Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 85-Easter

Today was an amazing, fun, long, exhausting day full of plenty of family and plenty of love!

We started the morning by going to church with Grandma...

Morgan was obviously thrilled.

Afterwards I took the girls home for naps and then we headed to Grandma's house for our Easter celebration and Easter egg hunt!

Morgan had a blast picking up eggs and putting them in her basket. 

This was her first egg hunt and she did great!

The "big kids" got in on the fun too

Yes, my Mom still hides Easter eggs for us even though we're all between the ages of 22 and 27. 

And yes, we still love it!

Don't worry, Bailey got in on the egg action too

Can you tell Grandma spoils my girls rotten?!

And can you tell this little one adores her uncles?

Happy Easter!

Day 84-Easter Eggs

A day late, I know, but it's been a busy weekend! 

Yesterday (Saturday) we took the girls over to Grandma's house to dye Easter eggs

Morgan wanted to put all of her eggs into these 2 cups

She loved it

Until her hands got dirty at which point she had a meltdown, silly girl!

Miss Bailey had a good time watching.  Mellow as always!

All around a great day!

Oh, and I've decided to sort of expand my 365 photo project.  Rather than just do one picture a day with no words I'm going to mix things up a bit and include some posts like today's with writing and more than one picture. 

This way I can kill two birds with one stone.

It's all about getting the most bang for my buck with 2 kids, a dog, a husband, schoolwork, and a house to clean ;)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Days 60-66 - Catching Up...

With my memory card missing all last week my camera was out of comission which put me 6 days behind on my 365 project!  Thankfully, courtesy of my little brother, I finally have a new memory card and can take pictures again! 

So, here are 6 new pictures to make up for the last 6 days..I hate to do it this way because I feel a bit like a cheater but it will have to do!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Today my beautiful baby girl turned 2! 


Where in the world did 2 years go?!  It's unbelievable how time flies by so quickly! 

When did my baby go from this

To this

She's my little firecracker!  She has turned into such an amazing little person and I absolutely adore watching her grow and learn and change right before my eyes.  It's beautiful and incredible, she amazes me!

Today was a great day filled with wonderful friends and family and more love than I ever imagined possible. 

I am truely blessed!